Data Analytics

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How Data Governance Reduces Patient Readmissions

Readmission rate is a key financial and operational `metric for many healthcare providers in the US. This blog shows how CDOs can leverage data...

data-governance data-analytics

How to Start Doing Data-driven Supply Chain Optimization

What is Supply Chain Optimization (SCO)? A supply chain is the sequence of processes and activities involved in the production and distribution of a...


A step-by-step guide to build a data catalog

What is a data catalog? A data catalog is a systematic list of all data assets in the form of tables, files, reports, etc. that exist in a company's...

data-analytics data-catalog

Data Analytics unravels the secret of Oleg’s popularity on LinkedIn

Q. What is the secret of Oleg’s popularity on LinkedIn? LinkedIners would surely like to know the answer to this question. Oleg Vishnepolsky is a ...


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