Data Catalog

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The Top Features of a Comprehensive Data Catalog

In the ever-evolving landscape of data management, organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of having a robust data catalog to...


Data Catalog vs Data Dictionary - Differences & Use Cases

In the modern age, companies are responsible for a mind-bogglingly huge amount of data. If you imagine as much data as possible, it wouldn’t even...


Building an Effective Data Governance Framework

A data governance framework enables you to define and document your data governance policies and compartmentalize the steps required to provide...

data-governance data-catalog

Getting Started with OvalEdge Data Catalog

This guide helps you to navigate through various features and functionality of OvalEdge. It will help you to get started with OvalEdge quickly.


A step-by-step guide to build a data catalog

What is a data catalog? A data catalog is a systematic list of all data assets in the form of tables, files, reports, etc. that exist in a company's...

data-analytics data-catalog

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