Alation vs Collibra vs OvalEdge

OvalEdge is the best data governance solution on the market, but Alation and Collibra are both tools that offer similar features. It’s important to look at the different options, compare, then choose the tool that best suits your needs.
Why Choose OvalEdge Over Alation vs Collibra OvalEdge Alation Collibra Why Choose OvalEdge Over Alation vs Collibra OvalEdge Alation Collibra Why Choose OvalEdge Over Alation vs Collibra OvalEdge Alation Collibra Why Choose OvalEdge Over Alation vs Collibra OvalEdge Alation Collibra Why Choose OvalEdge Over Alation vs Collibra OvalEdge Alation Collibra
Why Choose OvalEdge Over Alation vs Collibra
Automatically identify PII
Why Choose OvalEdge Over Alation vs Collibra
Build data catalog from cloud data lake
Why Choose OvalEdge Over Alation vs Collibra
Data quality rules for monitoring & alerting
Why Choose OvalEdge Over Alation vs Collibra
Business Glossary
Why Choose OvalEdge Over Alation vs Collibra
Track changes to data and metadata

Exploring Data Governance Solutions? Check Alation vs. Informatica vs OvalEdge

Top 5 Reasons Enterprises Choose OvalEdge Over Alation and Collibra

Automatically build your data catalog from EVERY data source
Being able to automatically build your data catalog is a key feature for any data governance tool, but it’s far less useful if you’re limited to which data sources you can crawl.
Unlike Alation and Collibra, OvalEdge will catalog your data wherever it is. This includes AWS and other cloud data lakes, and no-SQL sources like MongoDB and Cassandra.
You get a clear picture of your data, no matter where it’s stored.

It’s the only complete end-to-end solution

We understand how inconvenient and costly it is to constantly switch between tools, which is why we’re proud to cover the whole spectrum of data governance. From data catalog through to privacy compliance, you’re covered with OvalEdge.

Our competitors offer their own range of useful features, but you should be able to carry out lineage impact analysis with the same tool you use to check data quality and develop your business glossary.

This saves you time, money, and reduces those costly mistakes that happen when you’re moving from tool to tool.

Data Catalog
Lineage Impact Analysis
Access Management
Data Quality
Business Glossary
Privacy Compliance

Be the first to know when there’s data quality issues


It’s impossible to overstate the importance of data to your business, but that data is far less valuable if it’s poor quality.

It’s important to closely monitor your data, so if there’s a mismatch in quality, you can proactively investigate and fix the issue.

Collibra offers a limited version of this feature, where you can set up workflows and write simple quality rules, but this often isn’t enough. OvalEdge gives you the freedom to create complex rules that can be configured how you need, using SQL and RegEx.

Configure alerts to send when these complex rules are triggered, and you’ll never be caught out by data quality issues again!

We handle the relationships you focus on the data


Relationships between data are an important part of analyzing, reporting, and searching for data. It is the difference between segregated data sets, and having a holistic view of your entire catalog.

While other tools like Collibra and Alation allow you to manually identify these relationships, this is a massive task that costs you a lot of time and money.

Instead, OvalEdge uses SQL parsing, visualization tools, and other methods to automatically identify relations.

Not only do you save time and money, but you also avoid the repetitive manual identification process.

It’s not worth gambling on PII


If you don’t take PII (personally identifiable information) seriously, you’re taking a huge risk. You need to know exactly what data is PII, and what data you’re allowed to store.

Automatically locating and organizing PII using OvalEdge mitigates this risk. Machine learning uses metadata and sample data to reliably identify the personal data, meaning you can make decisions and follow regulations efficiently.

You’re able to manually locate and organize PII in Alation, but this takes time. When it comes to such sensitive data, it’s simply not worth the risk when there’s a more efficient option available.

Enterprises that chose OvalEdge over others

Matt Grant

Data Integration Specialist, Cotiviti

" We looked at many other data catalogs but none of the others fitted all our use cases."

Lucia Arando

Data Manager, Naranja X

“Before OvalEdge integration, the Naranja X data team only governed a small percentage of the company’s data. Now 70% of the organization’s data warehouse is governed.”

Tharun K

Data Governance consultant

“Super intuitive, massively configurable, yet pre-loaded with out-of-the-box operating models. Works for tiny teams all the way to enterprise-wide rollouts.”

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